Spring Clutter Clearing 2017
As we enter Chinese and Feng Shui New Year, and Spring is flirting with us, nature prompts us of to clear out. In the Five Elements in Chinese medicine, the liver wants to clear out and we want to spring clean naturally.
I am always amazed at how clutter keeps coming back - despite having had a blitz the month before. It’s always a good time to clear out (unless you are going away, as there is a vibrational change), but Spring energy especially supports this.
Clutter isn’t just the stuff lying around your home, behind doors and hiding in corners! It’s your inbox, your computer desktop and hard drive; it’s your paperwork and lever arch files, your desk, it’s your kitchen drawers, your garden, don't forget under the kitchen sink, AND it’s the stuff going on in your head too.
Not only does clutter clearing create a vibrational shift, it makes way for something new to come in. Whenever you feel overwhelmed in life or unable to function productively - start clearing the clutter. Sometimes it feels so daunting you don’t know where to start and you think it’s easier just to go back to bed until you have more energy. It doesn’t matter - start anywhere. Small steps…
I am reminded of a story that Denise Linn tells of a client who rang her up when he was suicidal; she was in the middle of a session with another client and told him to go home, clear out one drawer and speak later when she was free. Well, he did one drawer - and then another - by which time he was raring to go and did all the drawers and by the time Denise spoke with him, he was no longer feeling suicidal.
Clutter drains your energy;
makes you feel down;
overwhelms you;
the good news is - it’s easy to resolve.
Clutter Clearing is very POWERFUL
Clearing Clutter makes room for ‘the new’ to come into you life. If you don’t have enough money for that pair of shoes you have your eye on, go through your closet and get rid of shoes you never wear and sit back and wait. You will be amazed at how the Universe conspires.
Clutter represents ‘stuck energy’ - start clearing it and your life will start moving. For some strange reason we just don’t see our own clutter. Next time you come home and open your front door look at it with ‘fresh eyes’. Or get a friend to go around your home to objectively point out what you can’t see! My clutter crisis points always happen when someone is coming to visit or stay and I hadn’t noticed how bad the build up got!
Here are my top tips:
▪Clutter makes you feel tired - clearing it releases stuck energy resulting in feeling lighter in mind body and spirit.
▪Don’t hold onto things ‘just in case’. Get rid of what doesn’t serve, doesn’t fit, that you never use or never wear; get rid of objects you hate, that have bad associations and unwanted gifts, etc. Be ruthless.
▪Look at where your clutter is collected - there are 9 areas of a home/room/desk that correspond to a grid called The Bagua. Each area vibrationally represents important areas of your life, such as Career or relationships, Family, Wealth etc.
▪Don’t implement Feng Shui cures before clearing clutter. Cures such as cut crystals and mirrors which expand chi will also expand clutter if it’s still there! Before I go to do a Feng Shui consultation, I always insist on clients clearing out clutter in advance - it is part of the process of creating movement and change. Clients are amazed how it free’s up their lives.
▪If it’s broken - fix it or throw it out. Keeping broken objects around just pulls your energy down. Similarly, if ‘it ain’t broke - don’t fix it’.
▪Wardrobes and drawers - a minefield! Only buy items you love and know you will wear. If you’re not sure, it will stay in your wardrobe unused. Get rid of items that don’t fit, or you haven’t worn in the last couple of years. Hoarding is the opposite of allowing Universal flow - something goes out, another thing comes in.
▪Clear clutter from corridors and behind doors - this will allow energy to flow smoothly in your life.
▪Desks - another minefield. Your external environment reflects your inner environment and vice versa. Karen Kingston, the ‘Clutter Queen’ always says that when she’s working on a project she has stuff spread all over the place because that’s how she works best - this is fine if it’s temporary until the project is complete. But all the time - you’ve got a problem. Just imagine the scattered thinking, blocked creativity and brain overload.
The Getting rid of!
I have four categories for what I’m throwing out:
too good to chuck - sell on eBay. I regularly sell here.
too good to chuck but won’t sell on eBay or Gumtree - send to charity. Very typically books, CDs, clothing, household linens.
not good enough for either - into the dustbin
too big to do any of the above - recycle it
A final word on Clutter vs Storage. There is a difference and storage is fine - there are things you need to keep - especially paperwork - introduce good systems to keep your home or office tidy; put your photos in an album or digital system. Don’t forget the garden shed - and especially detrimental are attics and basements. Clutter in the basement corresponds to a cluttered subconscious mind; clutter in the attic can limit your higher aspirations and possibilities. Beware of OTHER PEOPLES’ CLUTTER - it is affecting you.
Happy Clearing :)
If you are daunted by this process, then why not hire my services. For further information please contact:
Nikki Appelboom
Email: thehomespace@me.com
Intuitive Coach & Counsellor
Intuitive Interiors Consultant
Certified Practitioner of Intuitive Feng Shui ®